The adventure du jour...
As many rezidents of the Virtual Hotel Chelsea can attest, the hotel cat, Dylan, gets into some pretty weird places. This is run of the mill.
Until of course, he's returned from off world. HUH? Not sure how, but he was returned apparently from RL. Straaange.
Then today he was on the balcony outside the hotel. How'd he get there? One wonders....
Don't know. Just enjoy the ride.
~ Cinn
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Winter Wetherby Live @ The VHC, 4pm SLT
So, you were sitting there thinking, 'Damn, I have no idea what to do at 7pm ET/4pm SLT.'
Well, now you have something to do. Follow the white rabbit to the live show at the Virtual Hotel Chelsea. Look, there's even a cute lil link for your clicking enjoyment!
Lineup this evening:
Winter Wetherby
Jon Enimo
Well, now you have something to do. Follow the white rabbit to the live show at the Virtual Hotel Chelsea. Look, there's even a cute lil link for your clicking enjoyment!
Lineup this evening:
Winter Wetherby
Jon Enimo
Sunday, August 16, 2009
In the Aftermath of Debauchery.... aka Will You Still Respect Us in the Morning

Last night at the Virtual Hotel Chelsea was wild good times. There was cake and everything.
Oh what? You weren't there? Yeah.... you totally missed it. What were you doing anyway? Tsk.
Well, I guess you'll know better next time that when we say party at the Virtual Hotel Chelsea, we mean business, buck-o.
Once again, happy birthday wishes to Enola and Mykal!
~ Cinn
P.S. Also included here for your viewing enjoyment is a shot of a typical Thursday night at the VHC (first pic in the series).
Wish you were here.
Second Life,
Virtual Hotel Chelsea
Saturday, August 15, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Enola Vaher AND Mykal Skall!!!
Come on down and join us for awesome cake and fun.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Pixel Panties Are FLYING! Why Aren't YOU???
Yeah, that's right, kids. Pixel. Panties. Flying.
Up next is Lance Rembrandt at the Lyceum at the Virtual Hotel Chelsea.
Get thee here, or get thee to a nunnery!
Up next is Lance Rembrandt at the Lyceum at the Virtual Hotel Chelsea.
Get thee here, or get thee to a nunnery!
Zay It Ain't ZO CANNING!

Okay, you CAN say it's Zo Canning, because it is, and he's rocking the joint.
Come on down to the Lyceum and get your electric friend on. Or you can be a cartoon friend. We like those, too. Either way... in this day and age, at the Virtual Hotel Chelsea, you can proudly say that your friends are indeed... electric.
So take that, Gary Numan.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sooo... Ummmm.... Three Words, Sounds Like WTF?

It was a dark and stormy night... well, no, it wasn't, but dammit, it should have been. All great horror stories start out with a good blustery storm, afterall.
I heard voices.. there we go... sounds better already, right? So I followed the voices down into the bar of the hotel........ And that is when everything went to Animal Farm, apparently.
I swear I was sober when I took this picture, and I swear there was a bunch of people with giant chicken heads flapping around the bar.
And that is when I snapped the picture, more to prove to myself that I was sane and that what I was seeing was insane.
I, sadly, am fine. The world, it would seem, has gone to chickenshit.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
American Gothic - The Digital Edition

What a great day for art!
Thanks to everyone who came out to show their support at the Wrong-Side Gallery Grand Opening. We had a pretty good crowd, and the walking talking Nemesis 'living' art was a huge hit.
Took some pics, too. To the left, we've got the 2009 Digital Remix of American Gothic, dragons a-plenty, provided by Fagan Parx, and visitors of the opening and Gallery Row: Lacey Razorfen, Enola Vaher, and Briana Afterthought.
Give us your thoughts on some of your favorite pieces/galleries in the Virtual Chelsea neighborhood.
Here There Be Dragons
Art By Any Other Name is Still Art aka You Want Some Cheese to Go with Your Wine?
If you haven't gotten your culture on yet and visited all the friggin' awesome of the Virtual Hotel Chelsea, well, then I just feel sad for you. There. I've said it. Saaaad.
Where are all these galleries, you ask? Well, hell... here, let me just hold your hand a bit.
First and foremost, there's Gallery 23 at
Featured artists include:
Seven Jacks
Ducce Lykin
Ichiko Miles
Juliete3D Quinzet
Van Caerndow
Perkey Felwitch
Arkalen Stratten
First up on Gallery Row is Intaglio at
Some truly neat art, so go check it out.
Next is my lil piece of art heaven, The Wrong-side Gallery: The right art for all the wrong reasons at
We'll be featuring the art of writer Suzi M at the Grand Opening set for Noon, SLT TODAY. There will be wine, cheese, and in true gritty NYC style... virtual cocaine. There will also be a surprise guest straight out of one of Suzi's Immortal War novels, so come on down at Noon SLT!
Third on the row is Vividblack Galleries at
Incredibly intense photo art. Seriously, you need to check it out.
Bringing it all together is the Factory Galleries at
Featuring art work by the lovely and talented Enola Vaher of Finely Torn "Id" gallery fame (and if you've visited the Lyceum, you've more than likely met Enola :)).
For those artists out there looking to get in on the action, there are still some spaces available in the Factory, so get thee there and rent em up!
See everyone at the Grand Opening today!
~ Cinn
Where are all these galleries, you ask? Well, hell... here, let me just hold your hand a bit.
First and foremost, there's Gallery 23 at
Featured artists include:
Seven Jacks
Ducce Lykin
Ichiko Miles
Juliete3D Quinzet
Van Caerndow
Perkey Felwitch
Arkalen Stratten
First up on Gallery Row is Intaglio at
Some truly neat art, so go check it out.
Next is my lil piece of art heaven, The Wrong-side Gallery: The right art for all the wrong reasons at
We'll be featuring the art of writer Suzi M at the Grand Opening set for Noon, SLT TODAY. There will be wine, cheese, and in true gritty NYC style... virtual cocaine. There will also be a surprise guest straight out of one of Suzi's Immortal War novels, so come on down at Noon SLT!
Third on the row is Vividblack Galleries at
Incredibly intense photo art. Seriously, you need to check it out.
Bringing it all together is the Factory Galleries at
Featuring art work by the lovely and talented Enola Vaher of Finely Torn "Id" gallery fame (and if you've visited the Lyceum, you've more than likely met Enola :)).
For those artists out there looking to get in on the action, there are still some spaces available in the Factory, so get thee there and rent em up!
See everyone at the Grand Opening today!
~ Cinn
Second Life,
Virtual Hotel Chelsea
Friday, August 7, 2009
No Habla Espanol or Portugese!
Don't let the title fool you... I'm sure you'll find someone who speaks those languages at The Virtual Hotel Chelsea, especially if you came in together and know each other.
Just don't assume the rest of us speak either of those languages. Especially if one certain Cinnamon Zemenis says "NO habla espanol." See, the word 'no' can be so misleading, I understand how you might be confused. No really, I mean that.
NO I DON'T! See how no still means no across the board? It's so versatile. NO NO NO. NO I will not show you my room at the Chelsea, even if you ask me several different ways. The room is by invite only. No I will not be impressed by your inability to use Google translator to babble something about a lime??? WTF? I don't have a lime, and you will not stand in awe of it. (I mean, seriously... a LIME?? I have no idea.)
No, you may not see my pixels, nor should you be impolite when asking another resident or visitor of the Virtual Hotel Chelsea to see their pixels. Trust me, if they wanted to see you naked, they would have asked. Yeah, I'm looking at you over there with your genders sticking out of your pixelpants.
But onward and upward - you there, put it away, it's a figure of speech! Both hands on the keyboard and such.
Tonight's mayhem will begin at 7pm SLT with the awesome of Mykal Skall giving us all aural pleasure with original songs sung in the key of sexy.
After that? Who knows? I do expect that all creepy non-pants folk will DRESS accordingly. See how I did that? That whole get dressed subtle hint. Where do you think we are? In a friggin' barn?
Other updates and adventures du jour, for those following the limited adventures I've had so far that have nothing to do with foreign limes, genders, or pixelpants....
If you haven't checked out the gallery stuff all over the place around the virtual Hotel Chelsea, then I really think you need to put your pixelpants back on, take off your genders, and go mingle with the artisterati of digital Bohemia.
Note to fellow Chelsea residents... if you plan on indulging in *ahem* extracurricular activities in your room, may I (highly) suggest using a private chat channel? Trust me, you'll thank me for my advice or at least the knowledge that everyone can hear you. And Ducce will thank you. LOL
Adventure of the day was a shopping trip with the lovely and luscious Lacey Razorfen, wherein we ventured for accessories and such. Got to see some of the more interesting Furries I've encountered in SL. I think they were supposed to be cats, but they greeted each other like stuffed animals. It was creepy in a Rainbow Brite sort of way.
At least they kept their pants on.... four legs bad? I don't think so.
~ Cinn
Just don't assume the rest of us speak either of those languages. Especially if one certain Cinnamon Zemenis says "NO habla espanol." See, the word 'no' can be so misleading, I understand how you might be confused. No really, I mean that.
NO I DON'T! See how no still means no across the board? It's so versatile. NO NO NO. NO I will not show you my room at the Chelsea, even if you ask me several different ways. The room is by invite only. No I will not be impressed by your inability to use Google translator to babble something about a lime??? WTF? I don't have a lime, and you will not stand in awe of it. (I mean, seriously... a LIME?? I have no idea.)
No, you may not see my pixels, nor should you be impolite when asking another resident or visitor of the Virtual Hotel Chelsea to see their pixels. Trust me, if they wanted to see you naked, they would have asked. Yeah, I'm looking at you over there with your genders sticking out of your pixelpants.
But onward and upward - you there, put it away, it's a figure of speech! Both hands on the keyboard and such.
Tonight's mayhem will begin at 7pm SLT with the awesome of Mykal Skall giving us all aural pleasure with original songs sung in the key of sexy.
After that? Who knows? I do expect that all creepy non-pants folk will DRESS accordingly. See how I did that? That whole get dressed subtle hint. Where do you think we are? In a friggin' barn?
Other updates and adventures du jour, for those following the limited adventures I've had so far that have nothing to do with foreign limes, genders, or pixelpants....
If you haven't checked out the gallery stuff all over the place around the virtual Hotel Chelsea, then I really think you need to put your pixelpants back on, take off your genders, and go mingle with the artisterati of digital Bohemia.
Note to fellow Chelsea residents... if you plan on indulging in *ahem* extracurricular activities in your room, may I (highly) suggest using a private chat channel? Trust me, you'll thank me for my advice or at least the knowledge that everyone can hear you. And Ducce will thank you. LOL
Adventure of the day was a shopping trip with the lovely and luscious Lacey Razorfen, wherein we ventured for accessories and such. Got to see some of the more interesting Furries I've encountered in SL. I think they were supposed to be cats, but they greeted each other like stuffed animals. It was creepy in a Rainbow Brite sort of way.
At least they kept their pants on.... four legs bad? I don't think so.
~ Cinn
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
So This Was A First in Second Life
Forgot to discuss this yesterday, but thought I would share a Second Life first....
While hanging at the bar chatting and gender swapping with fellow Bohemians, this person wanders in off the street. Those present say hello, person stares at us blankly. You ready for the punchline?
They asked us for money. Just came out and said 'Can I have some money?'with no rhyme or reason even.
The brass ones. I'm not a big fan of people bugging me for money in general, and usually one can count on a strip tease or an awesome mini-concert for a few well-earned L$ on a good day. But no... no nothing. Not even a knock-knock joke or hell, even a good excuse - 'I need the L$ for an electric blood transfusion', 'I need to catch the monorail', 'There's a really sexy flexi skirt I wanted to get in order to start my career as a hooker'... Nothing. Like flat soda. Just right out there... Can I have some money.
It was a strange situation, and we all kind of laughed it off... until the same person wandered in from the lobby and once again asked the question.
My reply was polite enough, I think. I said 'No thank you.'
So here's the fun part.... what's your weirdest/funniest experience while hanging at the Virtual Hotel Chelsea? This is not a rhetorical question. Click the comment dealie below and share share share!
~ Cinn
While hanging at the bar chatting and gender swapping with fellow Bohemians, this person wanders in off the street. Those present say hello, person stares at us blankly. You ready for the punchline?
They asked us for money. Just came out and said 'Can I have some money?'with no rhyme or reason even.
The brass ones. I'm not a big fan of people bugging me for money in general, and usually one can count on a strip tease or an awesome mini-concert for a few well-earned L$ on a good day. But no... no nothing. Not even a knock-knock joke or hell, even a good excuse - 'I need the L$ for an electric blood transfusion', 'I need to catch the monorail', 'There's a really sexy flexi skirt I wanted to get in order to start my career as a hooker'... Nothing. Like flat soda. Just right out there... Can I have some money.
It was a strange situation, and we all kind of laughed it off... until the same person wandered in from the lobby and once again asked the question.
My reply was polite enough, I think. I said 'No thank you.'
So here's the fun part.... what's your weirdest/funniest experience while hanging at the Virtual Hotel Chelsea? This is not a rhetorical question. Click the comment dealie below and share share share!
~ Cinn
Monday, August 3, 2009
Greetings and Salutations
Hello to everyone out there in digital Bohemia!
For those I've met before (more than likely in the depths of the Lyceum at the Chelsea), how are you? Did you get that cash from that email? How are your parents doing? Hope everyone's well and crazy Aunt Zinnia went back on her meds so she'll stop doing that creepy thing she does with the pants.
For those friends I haven't met yet, feel free to say hello if you see me around. Always up for meeting new people.
And for those not in the know of the awesome that is Mykal Skall, come on down to the virtual Hotel Chelsea and check it out. Doors are always open, show starts at 5pm SLT.
~ Cinn
For those I've met before (more than likely in the depths of the Lyceum at the Chelsea), how are you? Did you get that cash from that email? How are your parents doing? Hope everyone's well and crazy Aunt Zinnia went back on her meds so she'll stop doing that creepy thing she does with the pants.
For those friends I haven't met yet, feel free to say hello if you see me around. Always up for meeting new people.
And for those not in the know of the awesome that is Mykal Skall, come on down to the virtual Hotel Chelsea and check it out. Doors are always open, show starts at 5pm SLT.
~ Cinn
From within The Virtual Chelsea Walls....
Virtual Chelsea Resident Cinnamon Zemenis has become our first official resident blogger, to keep you all informed of the daily crazyness of life at the Virtual Hotel Chelsea... please welcome here uncensored reports from within the walls.......
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